Leeds Hair Loss Clinic

Leeds Hair Loss Clinic

Leeds Hair Loss Clinic

Hair is seen as a defining feature for both Men and Women, often referred to as your “crowning glory”. It is therefore hardly surprising that when there is a problem with the hair that it has a wide reaching effect from mild concern to anxious, depressive disorders in those who suffer. There are many misunderstandings about the causes and treatment of hair loss.

Clinical Trichology is the science of the structure and function of human hair, combined with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the hair and scalp.

Eva Proudman’s reputation and client requests have led her to start a Leeds hair loss clinic.

Here's what to expect and how to book:

An initial 1-1 consultation with Eva lasts about 45 -60 minutes. Eva will take a full background history (medical, dietary and lifestyle) and carry out a thorough examination of the hair and scalp. A diagnosis, prognosis and all treatment options will be discussed – as will the need for any potential follow up investigations, such as blood tests, to get to the root of the problem.

To book a consultation with Eva at The Tower Clinic, please call us on 01788 819325 (9-5 Monday to Friday) or email at [email protected]

Eva Proudman Leeds Clinic

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The Tower Clinic,
Tinshill Lane, Cookridge LS16 7AP

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