Leeds-Photographic-Society- the oldest Organised Photographic Society

Leeds Photographic Society

Leeds Photographic Society

looking for the best shot since 1852

Leeds Photographic Society (LPS) is the oldest Organised Photographic Society, beating the Royal Photographic Society by mere months. Its members have been creating photographs using the technology of the day since 1852.

One of the founding members was Leeds Scientist Washington Teasdale. The stiff looking Victorian gentlemen of old may not recognise some parts of the club today as it now warmly welcomes female photographers in its ranks and formal wear is no longer required at meetings, but some features may be familiar. We still gather to discuss the art of photography with likeminded people, host competitions and guest speakers and still meet up for regular outdoor excursions.

Over the past 180 years, members have taken images, not just in and around Leeds but around the world. The photographs form the basis of many of the meetings the Society has through the year, displayed in “members’ nights” where they are shown off in many ways. They also provide the basis for us to engage in both internal and external competitions and exhibitions. Some misconceptions remain today that “Camera Clubs” are a stale environment. Today’s club is about enjoying photography with the days of “old men comparing lens length” long gone, our evenings are light-hearted and aimed at entertainment through photography. The social side and varied programme is what separates LPS from the numerous online groups that exist.

The Society also hosts internal and external speakers whose subjects cover all aspects of photography. Both indoor and outdoor practical sessions are also on the programme for the next season, as an important part of being a member of LPS is to try types of photography members may not have access to outside the club.

We are also big fans of the printed image The best way to view an image is to print it off. Don’t get me wrong, digital media has its place and we split our competitions between digital and prints. During the recent pandemic we could only display images digitally as we moved, like many people to an online life. Zoom was very important to the society then as it enabled the club to continue meeting virtually without restricting the programme too much. One thing it did was expand the reach of speakers available to us, not just in around the UK but globally. As the pandemic recedes we have reverted to physically meeting again, plus, we run a hybrid system, allowing people to join the physical meetings through Zoom where possible.

The LPS is affiliated with the Yorkshire Photographic Union which is the federation for all Yorkshire photographic societies and camera clubs. Through that, we interact with other clubs in Yorkshire particularly in the countywide competitions and exhibitions.

This year (2022) we have taken part in a local exhibition as part of the Roundhay Park 150th year celebrations and have a longer exhibition at Armley Mill – Leeds Industrial Museum that runs until 23rd September.

open evening 30th August 2022

We kick off the winter season for 2022/23 on Tuesday 30th August with an opening evening. Come and talk to us, we will run through the programme and hopefully will have some practical stations set up too. Anyone of any age looking to improve their photographic skills, start their photographic journey or just curious about our society is welcome.

Find out more or join us:

Meeting info:
Tuesday evenings 7.30pm at: St Edmunds Church Lidgett Park Road, LS8 1JN
Weekly: September – April
Bi-weekly: May-July

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