5 WAYS to Wellbeing

5 WAYS to Wellbeing

5 WAYS to Wellbeing

5 Ways is the Leeds hub for those in recovery for an alcohol or drug misuse issue. Located just off Burley Road, in a converted old chapel, the specially-trained workers help service-users sustain their recovery and support them into education, training and employment.

“5 Ways is my safe and happy place – I can be myself, without fear of any judgement. I can drop in for a coffee, some advice or to join a course. I’ve made new friends and I feel more confident now about sustaining my recovery.”

Rita, service-user

“There’s not a ‘one size fits all approach’ here, everyone has their own individual recovery journey. I spent many years alone and 5 Ways has been a good place to reconnect with people. I love the way the courses tackle important themes, like understanding emotions. You’re also encouraged to get involved and I now help facilitate the guitar group.”

Ben, service-user

The main Breakout Room at 5 Ways 354

Social events have included Pizza Nights out on the building’s roof garden and Open Mic Nights.

These provide a great way to socialise in a safe, supportive environment, free from drugs and alcohol.

“It’s the people that use the service that make it so special. Addiction can happen to anyone and everyone here genuinely cares for each other. There’s no ‘them and us’- we are one big team. Service-users influence what activities we run – there’s all sorts going on!

My job highlight is seeing someone coming in for the first time and within weeks their confidence has grown and they’re sitting amongst peers supporting one another. There’s nothing better than seeing someone progress in other aspects of their lives including gaining employment or moving into higher education or training.”

Jo Byrden, Manager of 5 Ways

Groups, courses and activities are now a blend of face-to-face at 5 WAYS or online through Zoom.
They include:

  • A pre and post detox/rehab group called Which Way Now? – designed to support people moving out of treatment and into recovery
  • SMART (Self-Management And Recovery Training) meetings
  • Various music groups – including learn to play guitar, and music production
  • Mindfulness and relaxation sessions
  • Adult-learning short courses
  • ‘Get crafty’ – arts and craft sessions
  • Wonder Women – holistic and wellbeing support designed to empower women.
5 ways support leeds

5 Ways work with drug and alcohol services across Leeds, and you can join the 5 Ways community by:

  • A referral from another drug and alcohol service
  • By contacting Forward Leeds
  • Self-referral direct to 5 WAYS by telephone, email or in-person

43 Westfield Road, Leeds, LS3 1DG
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm

Tel: 0113 887 2749

Email: [email protected]

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