Meanwood, what makes you mad, sad or glad

Meanwood, what makes you mad, sad or glad

In frosty January 2020, we spoke to around 400 people in order to gauge what people thought about Meanwood. Many people say they love Meanwood, but we wanted to know why. We also wanted to know why they didn’t love Meanwood and crucially we wanted to find out what people are passionate to change.

Street consultation and online questionnaires took place in early 2020.
The data was combined from all sources and assessed to identify any key themes throughout the responses.
A community workshop took place in February 2020 to discuss the 7 main topics raised.

  1. Meanwood’s green spaces
  2. Travel and transport
  3. Children and young people
  4. The heart of Meanwood
  5. Community spaces and activities
  6. Connections
  7. Meanwood and climate change
Meanwood vision map
Maps were drawn on at the street consultations, people were given freedom with what they drew or wrote on the maps.

who's involved

Powered by Meanwood Valley Partnership and funded with grants from National Lottery and Leeds City Council. Love Meanwood is made up of members from local charities Interact, Meanwood Valley Urban Farm and LCC Communities team along with local residents.

Urban Farm Meanwood
Adam Ogilvie - Meanwood Valley Urban Farm
Vanessa Brown - Interact | Church and Community Partnership
Leeds City Council
Neil Pentelow - Leeds City Council Inner NE Community Officer
Lemon Balm
Isabel Swift - Lemon Balm, health & wellbeing through gardens & nature
Meanwood Valley Partnership
Janet Matthews and Ron Baker - Meanwood Valley Partnership

Plus: Liz Hargreaves – Meanwood Resident

the meanwood vision

By 2030 we will work together to make Meanwood a climate resilient community where all neighbours can enjoy a healthy life with equal access to opportunities, facilities, services and public spaces.

This is our vision for Meanwood over the next 10 years. Our 2020 research has led to three focus areas each with their own projects. We plan to consult again over the next ten years as these projects begin to happen, to be sure the focus areas are still relevant and to identify new projects based on current needs, and new ideas.

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Winding path through Meanwood Park (Photo: Lemon Balm)


The connections project is all about linking paths, people, information, and lives throughout Meanwood. Connect is one of the five ways to wellbeing that was identified by the New Economics Foundation. We want the connections in our public and green space, along with our communications, to be accessible to all. We want improvements to the streetscape to feature throughout all the neighbourhoods in our community. We also want to find creative ways to allow our shared landscape to encourage us to positively connect with neighbours, to improve our health and wellbeing.

bloom welcome to meanwood sign 500
Members of Meanwood Valley Partnership planting bulbs as part of Meanwood In Bloom (Photo: MVP)

Green Spaces

Green Spaces are at the core of Meanwood. We will take action to protect and enhance our green spaces and we will increase and enhance habitat to promote biodiversity. We will increase our climate resilience and mitigate some of the damage already done. We will ensure that all members of our community are able to access good quality green space, which meets their health & wellbeing needs.

Voluenteers from the local supermarket help 500
Volunteers from Waitrose help plant trees in the centre of Meanwood (Photo: Lemon Balm)

the heart

We will influence the design of the junction at the centre of Meanwood to make sure it is safe, fair and brings wellbeing and climate resilience benefit to the community. We will work to improve the streetscape and the precinct. We will take climate change seriously and adopt a bottom up approach to becoming a more sustainable, more climate resilient community at the heart of Meanwood.

what's next

Our projects need people to come together and get going. Each project has three next steps to get working on, the first of which is to form a working group.

After the community workshop we asked people whether they would be interested in taking a project further and what they were passionate about. From January 2021 we will be getting in touch with those people to begin forming working groups.

find out more or get involved

Join us! If you have an idea which can tackle one of the issues raised or would like to help with / lead a project, or use the data, then get in touch – we’d love to work together.

A complete PDF containing the full information on the Love Meanwood Project and the creation of the Meanwood Vision can be downloaded from:

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