What the super users are doing on linkedin

What the super users are doing on linkedin

What the super users are doing on linkedin

More from our resident LinkedIn expert, Mike Roberts….

Mike runs a software company providing email encryption and electronic signature software to businesses across the world, and generates all of his business from LinkedIn.

He will be providing some great tips, tricks, strategies and advice to improve performance on LinkedIn, If you are looking to grow your business or improve your appearance for employment, try these tips yourself.

use the tools provided by linkedin to your advantage

let's focus on your name

When setting up your LinkedIn profile, the system will ask you for your FIRST and LAST name.
Simple! Or, could this be another way for you to shake things up a little?
Here’s a tip that many of the LinkedIn superusers use….


When it comes to your name being highlighted in message threads or search results, why not give your audience a little hint about what it is you do, rather than just your name.
Here’s an example : when it comes to my profile, I choose to have Mike as my first name, and Roberts – eSignatures Made Easy as my last name.
I’ll still be found when people search for ‘Mike Roberts’, but when my name is included in any list, I will be shown as “Mike Roberts – eSignatures Made Easy”.
People can now see at a glance what it is I do. This is so powerful! When it comes to grabbing attention, it’s small things like this that really do help…..

the power of your pronoun

Another way for you to stand out from the crowd, is to take advantage of the PRONOUNS section on LinkedIn.
Click on the pencil icon just underneath your banner, and whilst pronouns may not be relevant to you (he/she/they…etc), there is the option to choose CUSTOM.
As you can see, I have decided to use ‘Digital Automation Guy’ as my pronoun.
This new way of adding a custom pronoun is great, you have 25 characters available (numbers not allowed).
It gives you another chance to be unique and let your audience know more about YOU!

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To speak with Mike Roberts directly about your LinkedIn strategy, connect on LinkedIn, or visit:

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